Growing Your Brand While Building Relationships in Your Community

Growing Your Brand While Building Relationships in Your Community

Authored By: Chris Austin, president of Ardiah Managed Services

Do I like to do networking? Just ask my professional inner circle, and they’ll laugh and say, “There isn’t a networking event Chris Austin doesn’t like!”. They are correct and if it were possible, I would attend every single one!

In today’s fast-paced business world, growing your brand while building meaningful relationships within your community is crucial. It’s a delicate balance between promoting your services and simply being a supportive community member. This blog explores why balancing your pitch with genuine community engagement is vital and how joining local organizations like your chamber of commerce and networking groups can significantly benefit your business.

Balancing Your Pitch and Community Engagement

When engaging with your community, it’s important to remember that people respond best to authenticity. While promoting your business is necessary, being overly sales-focused can alienate potential customers and partners. Instead, focus on building relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Here are a few tips on balancing your pitch with community involvement:

  1. Be Genuine: Show genuine interest in the people you meet. Listen to their stories, understand their needs, and offer help without expecting anything in return.

  2. Share Your Expertise: Share your knowledge and expertise in a way that benefits others. Offer free workshops or write informative blogs that address common issues in your community.

  3. Participate in Community Events: Attend and support local events not just as a business but as a member of the community. Sponsor local sports teams, participate in charity runs, or volunteer at community centers.

  4. Build Personal Connections: Relationships are built on personal connections. Take the time to get to know people on a personal level, and let them get to know you beyond your business persona.

The Importance of Joining Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Joining your local chamber of commerce is one of the best ways to integrate your business into the community. Chambers of commerce offer numerous benefits that can help your business grow and thrive:

  1. Networking Opportunities: Chambers organize regular networking events where you can meet other local business owners and community leaders. These events provide a platform to build relationships, share ideas, and collaborate on community projects.

  2. Credibility and Visibility: Being a chamber member adds credibility to your business. It shows that you are committed to supporting and improving your community. Additionally, chambers often promote their members through their websites, newsletters, and events, increasing your business’s visibility.

  3. Access to Resources: Chambers provide access to valuable resources, such as business development programs, marketing opportunities, and information on local regulations and policies.

  4. Advocacy: Chambers advocate for their members at local, state, and national levels, ensuring that the interests of the business community are represented in policy-making decisions.

Consistency in Attending Networking Opportunities

Consistency is key when it comes to attending networking events. Regular attendance helps build familiarity and trust among other attendees, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections. Here’s why consistency matters:

  1. Building Trust: People are more likely to do business with those they know and trust. By consistently attending events, you demonstrate your commitment to the community and build trust with other members.

  2. Staying Informed: Regular attendance keeps you informed about what’s happening in your community and industry. You’ll learn about new opportunities, trends, and challenges that can impact your business.

  3. Strengthening Relationships: Consistent engagement allows you to deepen your relationships with other attendees. Over time, these relationships can turn into valuable business partnerships and friendships.

Joining a Networking Group for Referrals

Joining a networking group focused on referrals can be incredibly beneficial for your business. These groups are designed to help members grow their businesses through mutual support and referrals. Here’s why joining a referral-based networking group is important:

  1. Targeted Referrals: Networking groups provide a structured environment for giving and receiving referrals. Members actively seek opportunities to refer business to each other, increasing your chances of getting quality leads.

  2. Accountability: Being part of a networking group holds you accountable to your peers. Regular meetings and performance tracking ensure that you stay committed to your business growth goals.

  3. Skill Development: Networking groups often offer training and workshops to help members improve their networking and business skills. This continuous learning can help you become a more effective networker and business owner.

  4. Support System: Networking groups provide a support system of like-minded professionals who can offer advice, encouragement, and resources to help you overcome business challenges.

I’m a Master Networker

As someone who has spent years mastering the art of networking, I can attest to the immense value it brings to personal and professional growth. Creating strong, supportive networks is not just about expanding your business reach; it’s about building a community of trusted advisors, friends, and partners who can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of the business world.

Volunteering and Being a Community Stakeholder

In addition to networking, volunteering is another powerful way to build your brand and strengthen community ties. Being an active volunteer shows that you are a committed stakeholder in your community. Consider getting involved in organizations like Rotary, coaching local sports teams, or mentoring through programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters. Here’s why volunteering is so important:

  1. Builds Relationships: Volunteering allows you to meet new people and build relationships based on shared values and goals.

  2. Enhances Reputation: By giving back to the community, you enhance your business’s reputation and demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

  3. Develops Skills: Volunteering can help you develop new skills and gain experiences that can be beneficial for your business.

  4. Promotes Well-being: Taking a break from work to volunteer can reduce stress, improve mental health, and provide a sense of fulfillment.

Taking a Break to Be in Your Community

Sometimes, the best way to grow your brand is to take a step back and simply be a part of your community. Attend local events, support your neighbors, and enjoy the activities your area has to offer. Your brand will still be there when you return, and the relationships you build during these times can be invaluable. This approach shows that you are not just a business owner but a community member who cares about the well-being and success of those around you.

Networking Opportunities in the Area

Here are some excellent networking opportunities in our area that can help you grow your brand and build strong community relationships:

Do You Need Guidance On Becoming Your Brand Ambassador and a Master Networker?

If you need guidance on becoming your brand ambassador and a master networker, I offer consulting services to help you get on your way. I’m happy to share my expertise and support you in building your brand and network effectively. Contact me to learn more about how I can help you achieve your business goals.


Growing your brand while building relationships in your community requires a balance of genuine engagement and strategic promotion. By joining your local chamber of commerce and networking groups, you can significantly enhance your business’s visibility, credibility, and growth potential. Consistency in attending networking opportunities and participating in referral-based groups will further solidify your presence in the community, helping you build strong, lasting relationships that drive your business forward.

At Ardiah Managed Services, we believe in the power of community and the importance of building meaningful connections. Join us in embracing this approach, and watch your business thrive as you become an integral part of your community.

Chris Austin

President, Ardiah Managed Services


About the Author: Chris Austin is passionate about supporting small businesses and is the President of Ardiah Managed Services, a trusted provider of accounting, payment solutions, POS systems, payroll, and tax services. Chris and his team are dedicated to helping small businesses thrive by delivering tailored solutions and personalized support. If you have a small business support or service need, they would love to help! 207-230-4576 or email: [email protected]

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